Visit of professors and masters of the department "Use of water and pumping stations" to Jizzakh Pumping Station

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-3702 dated January 31, 201 "On measures to radically improve the system of preparation of highly qualified specialists in the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Engineers of Agricultural Mechanization" The students of 1 and 2 courses of specialty 5A450402 "Pump stations and devices diagnostics and diagnostics" visited the Jizzakh Pumping Station to get acquainted with large pumping stations.

The list of professorial-teaching staff of the department "Use of water and pumping stations": 1. Majidov Tohir

 2. Ergashev Rustam

3. Hidirov Sanat 4. Berdiev Mustafo

5A450402 "Diagnostics and operation of pumping stations and devices" 1 year masters (group 126):

 1. Mukhamadjonov Akhmadjon

2.Nazarov Bobur

3. Nasirov Batiykhan

4.Turdieva Dilnoza

5A450402 "Diagnostics and diagnostics of pumping stations and devices" 2nd year students: 1. Holbutayev Boybek

2. Khazratkulov Islamjon

 3. Hikmatullaev Alisher

4. Shodmonov Dilbek

The head of the Jizzakh Main Pumping Station Rajabov Sharofjon Djumaevich familiarized us with the history of the pumping station, the management of the construction and the active participation of its executives, the work of managers and engineers who have worked for more than 40 years. Then he familiarized himself with the hydraulic structures of the pumping station, mechanical, hydromechanical and hydropower equipment, a complex of management mechanisms. Information on the process of commissioning, exploitation and stopping of pump units and the responsibilities of each employee in emergencies. At the end of the meeting, the group leader associate professor T.Majidov expressed gratitude to the management of the institute, the head of the department and members.

Head of Department SE and NSF, prof. D.Bazarov