Engineering graphics and design theory

Head of the "Engineering graphics and design theory" department

Qosimov Jaxongir Avloqulovich, Ph.D

Tel.: +99871-237-19-64





The Department of "Engineering Graphics and Design Theory" has been operating since 1934, when the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers was established. In the early years, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, later the doctor of technical sciences GROMOV M.YA. led.

  1. In 1940-50, the department was managed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor K.A. KOSHEVNIKOV. led by
  2. In 1950-1967, associate professor Shamshidov G.L. led by A large number of methodological works of G.L. SHAMSHIDOV in all departments of "Drawing, Geometry and Drawing" fully met the requirements of that time and were widely introduced into the educational process.
  3. In 1969-1974, the department was headed by MURODOV Sh.K.
  4. In 1975-1990, the department was headed by the laureate of the State Prize, associate professor BIMAN L.R.
  5. In 1990-1999, the department was headed by Professor MURODOV Sh.K.
  6. In 1999-2004, the chair was RASULOV K.R. led by
  7. From 2005 to March 2012, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor KUCHKAROVA D.F. led.
  8. From May 2012 to May 2016, the department was managed by candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor URAZKELDIEV A.B. led.
  9. From May 13, 2016 to January 10, 2017, the head of the department was temporarily assigned to H.A. POLATOVA.
  10. From January 11, 2017 to June 30, 2018, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor RIXSIBAEV headed the department of U.T.
  11. From September 4, 2018 to June 30, 2019, the head of the department was NIG'MONOV R.B. did it.
  12. From September 3, 2019 to April 30, 2021, Kasimov Jahangir Avlokulovich was the head of the department.
  13. From May 1 to December 25, 2021, PhD associate professor Nasritdinova Umida Akhmadjonovna was the head of the department.
  14. Since December 26, 2022, Kasimov Jahangir Avlokulovich has been acting as the head of the department.

Scientific articles prepared at the department have been published in scientific journals of our Republic and abroad. In the next 10 years, more than 60 scientific articles were published by the staff of the department in scientific journals of Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan. During this period, 3 candidate dissertations were defended at the department, 5 textbooks, 15 training manuals, more than 100 methodological instructions, and more than 120 scientific articles were published.

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