Hydraulic structures and engineering structures

Head of the department "Hydrotechnical installations and engineering constructions"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Bakiev Masharif Ruzmetovich

Tel.:  +99871-237-19-32

Email: mrbakiev@tiiame.uz


The department of “Hydrotechnical installations and engineering constructions” was founded in 1930 in the faculty of engineering melioration of Turkistan(before it was named as  National University). In 1934 it was separated from the department “Engineering constructions,  bases and foundations”.

The department of “Hydrotechnical installations” was headed by E.A.Zamarin (1930-1932), N.A.Fandeev (1932-1941), V.V.Poslavskiy (1941-1949), A.O.Ostrovskiy (1949-1963), Z.X.Xusanxodjaev (1963-1973), E.I.Pavlova (1981-1985), M.R.Bakiev (1985-2004). And the department of “Engineering constructions” was headed by A.N.Askochinskiy (1934-1950), K.I.Bochkov (1950-1963), E.S.Pesikov (1964-1971, 1986-1992), K.I.Talabaev (1971-1975), X.A.Asqarov (1975-1986), A.A.Qurbonov (1992-1999), A.G.Mirzaev (1999-2004). After integrating of two departments in 2004, it was formed the department of “Hydotechnical installations and engineering constructions”.In 2004-2014 the department was headed by prof. M.R.Bakiev and in 2014-2017  by docent N.R.Rahmatov. And from 2017it is being headed by prof. M.R.Bakiev.

At the department of “Hydrotechnical installations” were  done some research works of Academicians as V.V.Poslavskiy, A.N.Askochinskiy, A.M.Muxamedov, professors as N.G.Malchikovskiy, E.A.Zamarin, N.A.Fandeev, V.D.Jurin, V.D.Bulaevskiy, A.O.Ostorvskiy, M.S.Vyzgo, docents as  Z.X.Xusanxodjaev, E.I.Pavlova, G.A.Tsoy, N.I.Sviridov, B.P.Surovsev, Z.I.Ryadova, L.I.Antonova, The works on the improvement of the construction of hydrotechnical installations, engineering constructions of ground dam and solving other problems in science. Scientists of this department pockmarked in the history of  science.

Today the staff of the department is: d.t.s., professof M.R.Bakiev, d.t.s., professor A.A.Yangiev, d.t.s., professor B.B.Hasanov, с.t.s., docent M.A.Kodirova, с.t.s., docent F.A.Yunusova, c.t.s., docent R.R.Abduraupov, c.t.s., docent N.R.Rahmatov, c.t.s., docent O.Kodirov, docent U.A.Kahhorov, c.t.s. N.Maalem, senior teachers: A.Ibraimov and T.J.Muslimov, assistant teachers: O.Halimbetov, Sh.Djabbarova, S.Shukurova, A.Jahonov, O.Matkarimov, O.Vafoeva and D.Adjimuratov.

Methodical and scientific achievements of the department

There are 4 laboratory box calves and 1 open air experimental yard, and in one of the laboratory box calves it was built a model of Tupolang reservoir. The department’s laboratories include “Hydrotechnical installations” (area 180m2), “Soil mechanics and construction materials” (area 140m2), “Laboratory between departments” (area 240m2), “Open air laboratory yard” (area 140m2). There are all of the necessary equipments for laboratory and investigation. These laboratories have been reconstructed and satisfied.

In 2003-2005 it was conducted scientific research for international grant(cost 30.000USD) on the theme “Studying the reliability of operated hydrotechnical installations  and working out the measures of  increasing safety of them”. It was worked out the measures on developing the reliability of reservoirs in Sultonsanjar, Tuyamuyin, Chortoq, Chimqurgon  and irrigative installationsUgam system. In 2009-2011was achieved international grant (cost 17.000 USD) under the leadership of professor M.R.Bakiev which were used in farm industry in Xorezm, Kashkadarya, Buxara regions and Republic of Karakalpakstan. According to the economic agreement (2011, 35mln sum)it was done scientific research.

Now at the department is being conducted scientific research on the theme: Improvement of hydrotechnical installations` constructure and working out of reliable and safety exponents, methods of calculating and projecting.

А-7-038-2015was carried out a state grant on the theme “Дарёдан сув олиш гидроузеллари хавфсизлик мезонларини ишлаб чиқиш” (level-1) (2015, 25 mln sum), №2.8, a state grant on the theme “Гидротехника иншоотлари конструкцияларини такомиллаштириш, ишончлилик ва хавфсизлик кўрсаткичларини, хисоблаш ва лойихалаш услубларини ишлаб чиқиш” (level-6)(2015, 12 mln sum), an economic agreement on the theme  “Амударёнинг Қорақалпоғистон Республикаси Тўрткўл, Элликқала, Беруний туманлари ҳамда Хоразм вилояти Хонқа, Боғот ва Ургенч туманлари ҳудудидан оқиб ўтган ўнг ва чап қирғоқларини ювилишини ҳимоя бўйича тавсиялар ишлаб чиқиш” (2015, 30 mln sum), a state grant on the theme “Ўқув-илмий марказидаги суғориш майдонларига сув етказиб берувчи ирригация тармоқлари, сув олиш қулоқлари, насослар, гидротехника иншоотларидаги камчиликларни аниқлаш ва уларни тугатиш бўйича тадбирлар ишлаб чиқиш”, an economic agreementon the theme “Обследования технического состояния канала Дустлик ПК 145 на канала ЮГК” (2015, 25 mln sum), №2.8, a state grant on the theme «Гидротехника иншоотлари конструкцияларини такомиллаштириш, ишончлилик ва хавфсизлик кўрсаткичларини, хисоблаш ва лойихалаш услубларини ишлаб чиқиш» (2016, 12 mln. sum), А-7-038-2015,a state grant on the theme  “Дарёдан сув олиш гидроузеллари хавфсизлик мезонларини ишлаб чиқиш” (level-2) (2016, 25 mln, sum)an economic agreement on the theme “Қуйи-Амударё ИТХБ. Қорақалпоғистон Республикаси Муйнок туманидаги Междуречье сув омборининг ишончли ва хавфсиз ишлашини таъминлаш бўйича тавсиялар ишлаб чиқиш” (2016, 40 mln, sum), № 8/2016, an economic agreement on the theme “Обследования технического состояния каналов Кегейли, Северный Ташкент и Карманинского гидроузла” (2016, 35 mln, sum), 16/2017, an economic agreement on the theme “Амударёнинг Туябўйин-Қипчоқ Ҳудудида Ўзанни икки томонлама ростлаш бош план-схемасини ишлаб чиқиш” (38 mln sum), 1/2017, an economic agreement on the theme  “Обследования технического состояния каналов Манғит-арна и Куаныш-арна в Республике Каракалпакистан”

Prepared scientific articles of the department were published in Republican and foreign countries` scientific journals.  The staff of the department published more than 30 articles in scientific journals of the USA, Germany, Russia, France, Kazakhstan and China over the past 5 years.

In 2009 professor of the department M.R.Bakiev, docent E.I.Kirillova and assistant teacher J.M.Choriev were winners in the competition “Central Asian fair of ideas – 2009” and received a grant in the amount of 17.000 USD.

In the cooperation with France University Bordo-1 and TIMI there was prepared a candidate of sciences Rahmatullaev Sh. And he was prepared by Filipp L., costumer from France and professor M.R.Bakiev. And the diplomas of two countries were received(France and Uzbekistan).

In 2012 the student of master`s degree courses R.Xrupin won the 1st place in the Republican competition “Kelajak ovozi”.

During the last 5 years there were published 16 textbooks, 7 recommendations, more than 100 scientific articles and there were taken 4 author’s certificates. Under the leadership of professor  M.R.Bakiev were prepared 11 candidates of science and 4 PhD, 1 doctor of science.

Faculty of Hydrothechnical construction Subjects taught at the department Scientific works Researchers Partnership activities The staff Clubs Timetable of classes Contacts