Head of the department "Theoretical and construction mechanics",
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Mirsaidov Mirziyod
Тел. : +99871-237-09-81
Email: m.mirsaidov@tiiame.uz
In accordance with the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 150 of March 30, 2004 and No. 415 of September 3, 2004 "On improving the quality of training specialists for agriculture and water management of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and order No. 187 A / F of September 13, 2004, the department "Constructional mechanics" was renamed as "Theoretical and Constructional Mechanics" Kazimir Frantsevich Zhuval was the first head of the "Constructional Mechanics" department. In 1924-1932 the department was headed by Semyon Makarovich Suhanov. In 1932-1946 the department of "Constructional Mechanics" was headed by Konstantin Trofimovich Venediktov, an engineer of the railways. He began his pedagogical career at the Central Asian Institute of Textile Industry, and since 1932 he continued at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, doing lecturing the course "Constructional mechanics". Konstantin Trofimovich Venediktov obtained his pedagogical skills from the professor S.M.Suhanov and put them into practice. Until the end of his life for 14 years he headed the department. In 1959-1976 the department was headed by docent Ivan Ignatevich Gribanov . In 1976- 1980 the department was headed by docent Vladimir Nikolaevich Frolov. In 1980-1991 it was headed by docent Abdulla Ostanovich Kurbanov. In 1970 he graduated from Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization, Faculty of Hydromelioration, worked as an assistant of the department. From 1973 to 1975 he was a post graduate student of the laboratory "Hydrotechnical Construction" of the Research Institute "VODGEO" of USSR. A.O. Qurbanov did a lot of work to improve the methodology of the teaching staff. In1991-2004 the department of "Constructional Mechanics" was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mirziyod Mirsaidovich Mirsaidov. In 2004, the department of "Constructional Mechanics" and the department of Theoretical Mechanics were incorporated and a new department "Theoretical and Constructional Mechanics" was founded. Department of "Theoretical Mechanics" was established in 1946, this department until 1949 was headed by docent N.A. Salasrov, from 1949 to 1968 by M.G. Klebansky, from 1968 to 1978 by docent DG Mavlanov. In 1978-1989 it was headed by docent L.I. Talipova, U. Mambetov, 1989-1997 by professor Q. Latipov, 1997-2000 by professor G. Sh. Zakirov, 2000-2004 by docent Q. Khusanov. Since 2004 the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mirsaidov Mirziyod Mirsaidovich has been heading this department. A great contribution to the training of highly qualified engineers, in bachelors and masters for the Independent Republic of Uzbekistan was made by scientists as Professor V.N. Punagin, docent A.M. Godovannikov, V.N. Frolov, K. Yu. Yusupov, H. Zh. V.N. Manin, D.G. Mavlanov, L.I. Boimuradova, M. Karimova, B. Atajanov, I. Shulgina, N. V. Khasanova, senior teachers as A. A. Tolkodubov, L. I. Osipov, L. Kh. Mamasheva, F.M. Gainulina, N. P. Kuzmina, K. I. Malyshev, G. V. Broun, M. M. Mansurova, F. Ziyaev and assistant teachers as T.P. Kotova, I. A Shawl.
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