Teaching subjects

Undergraduate stage

The name of the subject

Brief information about science


Organization and technology of hydromelioration works

The necessary information for the professional activity of bachelors of the educational directions specified for students of this subject: technical and technological requirements for soil and other construction materials;  technologies for organizing and performing earthworks;  concrete and reinforced concrete, technological processes in the organization of special works and their execution with mechanisms;  the service of protecting the dams that collect, receive, transmit, direct, distribute, deliver water in large canals and riverbeds, and remove seepage and other waters from the system area, use natural resources without harming the environment  technologies for organizing and performing work in the construction of hydrotechnical and reclamation facilities necessary for the national economy; the best practices of our country and foreign countries and the latest achievements of scientific and technical development in construction and repair works that serve to ensure the perfect operation of water management and reclamation facilities;  teaches the organizational and technological basics of increasing labor productivity, reducing the estimated value of construction, repair and re-equipment works, and improving quality indicators.


Performing hydraulic works.

Science students are taught the fundamentals of organizing the construction of water management facilities and structures at the level of modern requirements, applying advanced technological processes, complex mechanization of all types of work, design, operation and construction of enterprises and organizations in the water management system.  teaches organizational structure, work, construction organization, planning and management.





Technology of melioration and water management works

Science students are taught the fundamentals of organizing the construction of water management facilities and structures at the level of modern requirements, applying advanced technological processes, complex mechanization of all types of work, design, operation and construction of enterprises and organizations in the water management system.  structure, works, construction organization, planning and management.


Building materials

"Construction materials" subject allows students to have an idea of ​​choosing raw materials, production of construction materials, their use, improvement of raw materials and products in the production of construction materials in terms of energy efficiency according to the requirements of the present time, justifying the possibility of using them for various purposes, technical  while maintaining their properties, providing energy and resource-saving technologies in their production, lightening their mass, obtaining, structure, properties, marking of metal, alloy and non-metal materials, theoretical bases and technological processes of thermal and chemical-thermal treatment of metals, technological processes of casting  processes, pressure treatment of metals, welding of materials, teaching the theoretical basis of cutting materials.


New technology of obtaining ceramic materials

Development of students' intellect, formation of logical thinking ability;  providing students with solid fundamental knowledge, teaching them to apply the acquired knowledge to solving modern practical problems;  is to develop the skills of students to apply the knowledge they have acquired in mastering specialization and general professional subjects in the curriculum of "Technology of New Ceramic Materials".


Mechanization of irrigation and reclamation works

Complex mechanization of irrigation and reclamation work is a component of innovative technologies of water management, which means complex mechanization and automation of all processes as the main and auxiliary, application (introduction) of high-performance machines and equipment systems based on promising technology and organizational measures  .

At the master's level

The name of the subject

Brief information about science


Quality management in construction

Formation of theoretical knowledge about the technologies and tools of quality management in construction and practical skills of compliance with the organizational and legal order of quality assurance.


Methods of solving scientific and technical tasks in construction

At the current stage, based on the study of modern problems of science and practice in construction, development of research programs and methods for solving the specified scientific and technical problems.


Organization of construction production and labor protectioni

General concepts about organization of production.  The purpose and tasks of science.  Scientific organization of work in construction processes.  Organizational and legal bases of management in construction organizations.  Construction organizations.  Labor protection in production.


Resource-energy-saving technologies of building materials and constructions

Formation of a scientific and engineering approach to the issues of rational use of energy and material resources in the production of construction materials and products in graduate students.